What Exactly is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Also known as a colonic or high colonic, colon hydrotherapy is a safe and effective method of cleansing the colon of waste material by the safe, gentle infusion of warm filtered water into and out of the rectum. It is a restorative, painless procedure, which is both relaxing and effective.
And Why Would We Want to Clean Out Our Colons?
Well, waste material, especially that which has remained in the colon for some time (i.e. hard, dried on, impacted feces, mucous, parasites, etc.) creates a multiplicity of problems for the body. Undesirable bacteria putrefy and ferment old fecal material and produce poisons, which are absorbed into the body from the intestines. It is also crucial to understand that when body wastes and debris carried by the lymph arrive at the outer wall of the colon for the purpose of elimination and find hardened feces preventing their entry into the colon, further autointoxication (self poisoning) results. The lymph is thus unable to dump its toxic load and will then re-circulate it through every organ and every cell, contaminating the entire body.
Constipation and the resulting poisoning of our system produce more symptoms and disorders in our bodies than any other malfunction
Achieving a clean and vigorously toned bowel may have beneficial effects throughout the body particularly on your MICRO BIOME (GUT FLORA), heart and blood vessels, the nervous system, the lymph and blood circulation, the skin, the muscles and joints, and the genitourinary tract, as well of course, as reduced stress on the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder!
What Will Colonics Do To The Colon?
Old toxic material is slowly yet surely loosened and broken down and finally removed so that it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination thus creatimg the ideal PH for a vigorous and healthy micro biome (good gut flora)!!!
What Will Colonics Do To The Colon?
Old toxic material is slowly yet surely loosened and broken down and finally removed so that it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination thus creatimg the ideal PH for a vigorous and healthy micro biome (good gut flora)!!!
Built up toxic debris weakens the colon and impairs its ability to function. Returning vigorous peristaltic action is a worthy goal of Colon Hydrotherapy
The gentle action of the water, coupled with massage helps to eliminate bulging pockets of waste and narrowed, spastic constrictions assisting the colon to resume its natural shape.
Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points. A colonic stimulates these points, thereby affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way (similar to reflexology).
Okay, It Sounds Like a Colonic Will Be Good For Me, But Will It Be Embarrassing?
Not at all. Your therapist will gently insert a small well-lubricated procto-syringe into your rectum, then rubber tubing carries warm body temperature, double filtered, sterile, gravity fed water in and then waste out through a closed system. Everything is sterile and disposable! Nothing touches you that has touched anyone else!!
No mess, no fuss, no odor!
In fact, it is a very relaxing experience for most people. You are completely covered during the entire procedure and your dignity is always maintained.
Will One Colonic Completely Empty the Colon?
Almost never. Many of us have ten pounds or more of impacted feces in our colon. This is hardened rubbery toxic material and substantial work must be done to remove it. One cleansing removes some, the second more etc.
But Why Not Use Enemas, Suppositories, or Laxatives Instead?
Laxatives aggravate the problem of constipation by interfering with the colon’s ability to eliminate normally on its own. The chemicals contained in laxatives work by irritating and stimulating the colon to abnormally contract to expel the irritating substances! In addition, the oral route of administration is the least optimal method for evacuation of the colon because very important digestive processes occurring in the stomach and small intestines are interfered with. Also, laxatives and purgatives precipitate dehydration in the individual. And finally, standard enemas are fine but it is important to note that they only cleanse the rectum and last portion of the colon, missing the majority of the large intestine.
Does It Hurt?
Rarely. Sometimes during the procedure the muscles of the colon contract suddenly, expelling considerable fluid and waste into the waste hose. The contraction may feel like cramping or gas with pressure in the rectum. Such episodes, if they do occur, arc brief and easily tolerated. Most people are delighted with the unaccustomed sensation of feeling lighter, cleaner and clearer afterwards.
I'm Worried That I Could Become Dependent Upon Colonics. If I Get Too Many, Will My Colon Stop Functioning On Its Own?
Not at all. Actually, one of colon hydrotherapy’s best features is that it can tone the colon muscles to return to efficient peristalsis. It is the very build up of fecal material that causes the decrease in muscular action in the colon.
Some People Say That Colonics Wash Out The Good Intestinal Nutrients. Is This So?
Quite the opposite! Our life supporting micro biome or good bacteria will only thrive in a clean correctly PH balanced bowel! 70% of our immune system relies on our good gut flora!! The prolonged retention of putrefying food residues, bile, etc., results in a highly acidic environment causing an overgrowth of potentially pathogenic bacteria!
What Can I Expect Afterwards?
Many people often remark that they feel lighter and are enjoying an enhanced sense of well being. Any activity you would ordinarily do, such as work or exercise is just fine. For some, the colonic may trigger a subsequent bowel movement, but there won’t be any uncontrollable sense of urgency or discomfort.
COLON HYDROTHERAPY IS NOT A CURE ALL, but it is a valuable procedure and treatment.
Obviously prevention of autointoxication is an essential strategy for any lasting healing process and vital to the prevention of disease!